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Can I change Pet CEO Plan® policy plan any time after enrolment?
Last updated on: December 9, 2024
Once the Pet CEO Plan® application is confirmed with submission, the policy plan cannot be adjusted in the middle of the policy period. If you wish to make any change to your policy, for example, switching to a different coverage plan, you may apply to do so within 30 days prior to the policy renewal date, subject to our approval. We reserve the right to alter the premiums and policy terms following a change in coverage plans.
Please be aware, any plan adjustment may affect policy coverage or else may even require re-underwriting. The current restrictions on policy plan upgrade, are as the follows:
1. Additional annual coverage (on top of the original plan) and newly added benefits (if any) will be subject to waiting periods before they become effective and will not apply to pre-existing conditions*.
2. If the insured pet is aged 5 or older at the time of the plan upgrade, new chronic illnesses (which are eligible to claim under the policy) diagnosed at 5 years old or above will be covered under the 1st policy year of the upgraded plan after the waiting period of the upgraded plan. However, at subsequent renewals, this coverage will revert and be calculated based on the principles and terms and conditions of the original plan before upgrade.
3. Any chronic illness existed/ diagnosed / discovered before the plan upgrade will remain its coverage based on the original plan and will not enjoy the additional coverage following the upgrade.
4. Please note that all policy upgrades are only eligible for insured petswhose age is 11 years old or below at the upcoming renewal; in other words, no upgrades are applicable for insured pets who have reached 12 years old or above at the upcoming renewal.
No re-underwriting is required to undergo plan downgrading by policy renewal. However, if policyholders decide to upgrade the plan again in the future, re-underwriting is required and the same plan upgrade restrictions stated above will be applied.
Pet CEO Plan® aims to provide relevant health guard protection and to share financial burden with the owners in taking good care of their furry friends in long run. For this reason, we sincerely recommend the owners to clearly consider the most suitable medical plan for making enrolment decision.
To learn more about the precautions of policy plan change decision, please refer to What are the precautions I should consider with when making plan change decision?
* For more details about “Pre-existing condition”, please visit: https://www.onedegree.hk/en-us/faq/article/what-is-a-pre-existing-condition
# For more details about chronic illnesses, please visit: https://www.onedegree.hk/en-us/faq/article/what-is-considered-a-chronic-illness-and-is-it-covered
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