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What is considered a chronic illness in Pet CEO Plan® and is it covered?
Last updated on: May 30, 2024
Chronic medical condition is a medical condition that has at least one of the following characteristics:
a. Lasts 3 months or more;
b. Comes back or is likely to come back;
c. Is permanent; or
d. Needs long-term monitoring including consultations, checkups, examinations, and tests,
and shall include an acute episode of a chronic medical condition.
If your pet first enrolled in our Pet CEO Plan® at age 4 or younger, your pet can enjoy lifetime coverage of chronic illnesses. (*If your pet develops symptoms associated with a chronic illness before the end of the waiting period, the chronic illness will be considered a pre-existing condition and will not be covered.)
If your pet first enrolled in our plan at age 5 or older, chronic illnesses will still be covered for the first policy year they occur. However, the specific illness will be considered a pre-existing condition and excluded for subsequent policy periods.
Chronic illnesses can be very costly to treat. Make sure your furry buddy is covered by getting insurance at an early age!

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