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How do I renew my home insurance policy?

Last updated on: November 1, 2023
1. Please ensure that the property age is 50 years or below on the Policy start date.
2. Enter the saleable area of your property through the OneDegree website.
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3. Enter the Info page and click “Login”
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4. Please click “Sign up now”, do not click “Sign in”
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5. Enter your email for policy contact purposes, then click “Send Verification Code”
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6. Please enter the 6 digits verification code sent to your email, then click “Complete verification”
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7. Please click “Continue” after the email address has been verified
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8. Please enter the rest of the information after the account creation, the policy document will be issued and sent to your registered email address after the premium payment is completed.
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If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Service team. Thank you.
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