Pet classroom

Celebrate the Year of the Tiger with Your Pooch the Yummy Way!


Here’s a rapid-fire question for you: What are the words you associate with Lunar New Year? For us human beings, the answer would probably be good fortune, prosperity, happiness, and reunion; but if our doggos and puppers can speak our language, the only answer would be, quite surely, FOOOOOOOOOOOOD!  

Although many pawrents are more than tempted to “accidentally” drop a bit of mouthwatering festive food on the floor for the pooch, human food is unsafe and unhealthy for our furry friends to consume most of the time. Unlike humans, salt, sugar, and most of the spices, will have an adverse effect on their health and body, so to keep our beloved pet safe, we should refrain from offering them a bite of that steamy carrot cake during the Chinese New Year feast!  

Instead of sneaking them a bite of this and that under the table, why not make some dog-friendly festive food, so they can have a CNY feast together to celebrate the coming of the Year of the Tiger? Not sure what to make? No worries, we have got your back! Give the koi-fish rice cake recipe below a try!  

Ingredients (for 8 rice cakes):  

Pumpkin 120g 
Flounder 70g (skinless and boneless)  
Rice flour 82g  
Cornstarch 15g  
Water 140g  

Let’s get started! 

1. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, wash and cut the pumpkin, steam it for 15 minutes, put it into a blender and mix it into a paste for use.  
2. Sift rice flour and cornstarch, add water and stir until it becomes a smooth white paste; take half of it (about 100g) and mix it with pumpkin paste to make an orange paste.  
3. Cut flounder into pieces and set aside.  
4. Boil water to prepare for steaming, preheat the small fish mold for 3 minutes, then pour in a little orange paste (or a little white paste if the color ratio of the carp is the opposite), cover and steam for 2 minutes on high heat.  
5. Open the lid and pour in another color of paste to 70% full, add an appropriate amount of flounder, press it with a teaspoon to keep the meat from floating, then pour in the same color of paste and steam over high heat for 17-20 minutes (depending on the size of the mold).  
6. Remove from the mold and let cool completely before removing and serving to your pooch. 

It is important to keep in mind that you should feed only a moderate amount of doggy festive food to your furry friends! To ensure your doggo is living a healthy and happy life, it is also imperative to take them for a regular check-up with the vet. For an even more comprehensive protection, you can consider purchasing the ultimate protection plan for them! Click here to learn more!

Source: http://www.joycemiaka.com/2015/01/blog-post_29.html 

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