OneDegree now offers the highest pet medical coverage in Hong Kong with new Pawfect Care plan
To meet pet parents’ needs for greater protection, virtual insurer OneDegree Hong Kong Limited (“OneDegree Hong Kong”) today unveils a new plan for its Pawfect Care pet insurance, which offers annual reimbursements of up to HK$70,000. With the introduction of the “Ultra Plan”, OneDegree Hong Kong now offers the highest medical coverage for pets in Hong Kong.
Previously, the Plus Plan provided the highest coverage, up to HK$30,000, and accounted for more than 60% of all issued policies. The popularity of the Plus Plan, as well as customer feedback, indicated demand for a high-end plan with significantly greater protection. The Ultra Plan is designed to meet that demand and includes all the unique features of Pawfect Care, including the HK$10,000 Cancer Cash Benefit, a maximum reimbursement rate of 90%, and no sub-limits.
Since the launch of Pawfect Care, thousands of policyholders have been enjoying the protection provided to their pets. Wency Chiu, who enrolled her 2-year-old Shiba Inu in a Plus Plan in May, said: “When I first bought pet insurance, I didn’t think I would actually need to make any claims as Boo was super healthy and very young. But a few months later, an accident happened when I was trimming Boo’s nails. He was squirming around a lot and I felt his joint dislocate. I was so stressed out because I didn’t know what to do. But through online chat, customer service was able to answer all my questions instantly and walk me through the process. Because of pet insurance, thankfully, I got back more than HK$20,000 in the end.”
“We’ve paid out a few claims for situations in which policyholders used up their annual coverage amount for just one unfortunate incident. With the Ultra Plan, we hope to give an option for those pet parents looking for a greater peace of mind, knowing that Pawfect Care will take care of at least a large portion of expenses in most scenarios,” said Arthur Lee, Chief Executive Officer of OneDegree Hong Kong.
“Amid the current economic downturn and uncertain outlook, it’s more important than ever to have health protection for your loved ones. Instead of dipping into savings, an insurance policy can go a long way in alleviating financial stress for pet parents,” Mr. Lee adds.
To date, 76% of the claims were submitted for pets aged 5 or younger. It is recommended that pets are enrolled in an insurance plan early, as accidents and illnesses can still happen to younger pets.
From now until 6 December 2020, OneDegree Hong Kong is offering 25% off all Pawfect Care plans. Enroll using the promotion code “ULTRA” to take advantage of the special discount.
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